Seminar #20 – May 19, 2021

Family firms and M&A performance

A meta-analysis

The presenter is Marina Palm, PhD Student at the Institute of Family Business & Mittelstand at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. The paper is entitled “Family firms and M&A performance: A meta-analysis“. The co-authors are Priscilla Kraft and Nadine Kammerlander.

date: May 19, 2021

time: 12:00-13:00 (CET)

location: Zoom (private event)

ABSTRACT – Family firms have often been portrayed as being distinct from non-family firms in their pursuit of M&A and their performance thereof. Empirical research examining whether family firms perform better or worse than non-family firms in M&A has, however, yielded conflicting findings and sparked controversy among scholars. To extend this stream of research, we theorize that family firms, based on their wealth concentration in the firm, reduced agency costs, and their pursuit of socio-emotional wealth goals, outperform non-family firms in M&A. Meta-analytic results from 42 primary studies covering over 20 years of research support our hypothesis. We further empirically show that the observed positive effect is weaker when family members take on board positions and conduct industry-diversifying M&A. Moreover, our findings emphasize that the family firm status and M&A performance relationship is contingent on the institutional environment of the family firm’s home country, examined through formal and informal institutional variables.



Marina Palm